Friday 10 September 2010

Why McDermott Pool Cues Are Chosen By Serious Billiards Players

Billiards is a popular sport, with a high percentage of bars all over the world having at least one table in it. Unlike other sports, pool does not require a certain physical aspect to be met - meaning, almost anyone can play it. But pool is a complicated game that involves more than just hitting one ball and making it hit another. In fact, it involves scientific principles that aren't just for the everyday man, and this is why the line between the serious billiards player and the hobby player is a wide one, and it is further characterized by the pool cue that you use. And when it comes to high quality cue sticks, one of the best are the McDermott pool cues.

McDermott pool cues are a sign of a serious billiards player. Why? Because unlike your typical pool player who plays once in a while when they happen to be in a bar, serious billiards players understand the importance and benefits gained from using a cue stick that is expertly crafted and made from the finest materials. The standard cue sticks that are found in bars and pool halls tend to be made of the cheapest materials possible. They are usually warped and tend to break easily. Serious billiards players wouldn't be caught dead using one of these sticks.

McDermott pool cues are able to impress even the most seasoned of billiard players. They are made from the finest wood found all over the globe, and they are aged for absolute straightness. They are individually hand-stained with only the finest quality pigment available, and they are fully customizable so that you can rest assured that your McDermott pool cues are not only the best, but are one of a kind as well.

As for customization, you have a wide array of choices. There are 16 different wrap options, 9 stain options, 9 paint options, and so much more when it comes to engraving. The wrap can be walnut leather, black leather, black onyx, and whatever else you can imagine. You can have a walnut stain or an American cherry stain, or even Pacific blue. You can customize your McDermott pool cues to however your heart desires them to look like; and not only will you have the best cue there is, but you will also have one that speaks volumes about you as a person and you as a serious billiards player.

In the same way that a samurai has his own special sword and a Jedi has his own special lightsaber, a serious billiard player has his own personalized, high quality cue stick. It is very common to find serious and professional players to be owning and using one of their very own McDermott pool cues, and you could be one of them today. If you want something that will showcase your expertise as well as your style, then McDermott is the best brand for you. Once you fall in love with your McDermott cue, nothing else will ever be as good enough for you.

Want to learn more about the advantages of owning a high quality cue like one of the McDermott pool cues?

Visit my site at to see the widest selection of the best billiard cue sticks available. If you are serious about playing the best game possible, choosing a quality cue stick can really make a difference.

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